The following are terms commonly used by cranberry growers.
Bloom: cranberry blossom.
Dewberry: very persistent plant that competes with cranberries for light and interferes with harvest.
Dew point: humidity.
Dieback: The gradual dying of plant shoots, starting at the tips, as a result of various diseases or climatic conditions.
Ditching: removing the debris (from the ditches inside the bogs) that has accumulated over the winter.
Fairy ring: waterborne fungal infection.
Flooding: floodgates on the reservoir feeding the selected area are opened and water flows into the ditches and over the vines to a depth of about 18 inches.
Gate: a flood gate, used for water management (reservoir or canal to bog as well as bog-to-bog).
ICM: Integrated Crop Management. How Pine Island Cranberry manages the big picture: the relationship between water, soils, weather, disease, insects, weeds, and nutrition.
Leaf drop: a premature falling of leaves associated with various diseases.
Phytophthora: Phytophthora cinnamomi is a soil-borne water mold that produces an infection which causes a condition in plants called root rot or dieback.
Root rot: a disease which causes a reduction of root mass, stunting and eventual death of the vine.
Red maple: invade beds as windblown seed.
Runner: trail and spread the plant as much as two feet in one growing season.
Sanding: Sanding is a practice where a 1/2″ to 1″ layer of sand is spread over the cranberry beds in order to stimulate new root and vine growth, improve aeration, and promote surface water drainage (source).
Scald: bruising of the fruit due to excessively hot and dry conditions.
Scouting: sweeping and/or observing a bog to check for pests, disease, nutrition, etc.
Tensiometer: instrument used to measure soil moisture.
Upright: Short vertical branches; grow up from the runners and produce the flowers and fruit.