In Memoriam: Sylvia Burgos

Our farm family suffered a shocking, sudden loss this week with the death of Sylvia Burgos, wife of Ivan Burgos, a foreman and thirty-year employee of Pine Island Cranberry Company. Sylvia and Ivan recently celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary…which is an excellent record for a die-hard Eagles fan married to a Dallas fan.

Everyone loved Sylvia; she would do anything for anyone. Often teased for her height, she gave back as good as she got (and often better, according to Fred Torres).

A graduate of Stockton, Sylvia was a bilingual master probation officer for the Burlington County court system.

In addition to her husband, Sylvia is survived by her two children, Cassandra and Ivan J., her mother Carmen Cruz, her father Gabriel Delgado (Judy), her sister Jeanette Zayas (Jose), her brothers, Gabriel and Michael Delgado, her nieces, Jennifer and Jillian Zayas, her aunt Migdalia Leon, her cousins Tony and Nick Leon, her brother-in-law Harry Burgos (Abigail) and their daughter Gladymar.